Category: Notes

  • The Innovator’s Dilemma: Notes and Summary

    Must read book to learn about startups, business development, and dynamics of markets. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Introduction Principles of Disruptive Innovation: This is why corporate development exists. For companies to buy things out of their domain Chapter 1 This is where VC money comes in, because here you can capture as much market as you want before…

  • Notes from Clear Thinking by Shane Parish

    Notes from Clear Thinking by Shane Parish

    Overall: This is one of the best book you can read to simplify your decision making process. I have been trying to implement it and it is very effective. It started a bit like self-help book, but kept getting better with each chapter till the end. It not only covers how to think clearly but…

  • Working with Speech Data

    This post is for people who have good understanding of deep learning, and basic understanding of data representation for images and text. In this blog, we will explore how TTS (text to speech) systems work. References:

  • Kickstarting NLP, Part 1, Language Models

    The purpose of this series is to summarize the latest breakthroughs, problems, and solutions in the field of natural language processing and language understanding. Language Model In layman term, language model is probability distribution over words or word sequences, in a particular given context. The abstract understanding of natural language can be useful in multiple…