Tag: machine learning

  • Piecewise Linear Curves in PyTorch

    In this blog, I will train a simple piecewise linear curve on a dummy data using pytorch. But first, why piecewise linear curve? PWL curves are set of linear equation joined at common points. They allow you to mimic any non linear curve and their simplicity helps you explain the predictions. Moreover, they can be…

  • Working with Speech Data

    This post is for people who have good understanding of deep learning, and basic understanding of data representation for images and text. In this blog, we will explore how TTS (text to speech) systems work. References:

  • Kickstarting NLP, Part 1, Language Models

    The purpose of this series is to summarize the latest breakthroughs, problems, and solutions in the field of natural language processing and language understanding. Language Model In layman term, language model is probability distribution over words or word sequences, in a particular given context. The abstract understanding of natural language can be useful in multiple…

  • LinkedIn Data Science Interview

    I recently interviewed for a research engineer (vision) role at LinkedIn. In this role the candidate is expected to work on state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms to understand users and content on the platform. In this post, I’ll summarize the questions and the whole interview process. You can find the complete interview here.